How to ignore a (not used) parameter/generic in elaboration.
From Verific Design Automation FAQ
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Q: How do I specify the elaborator to ignore parameter/generic that is not used?
In RTL or static elaboration, parameterized instances are uniquified. For example, this RTL code:
module top (a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1); parameter DUMMY0 = 8; parameter DUMMY1 = 16; parameter WIDTH = 4; input [WIDTH-1 : 0] a0, b0, a1, b1; output [WIDTH-1 : 0] c0, c1; bot #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .DUMMY(DUMMY0)) i0 (a0, b0, c0); bot #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .DUMMY(DUMMY1)) i1 (a1, b1, c1); endmodule module bot #(parameter WIDTH = 8, parameter DUMMY = 0) (a, b, c); input [WIDTH-1 : 0] a, b; output [WIDTH-1 : 0] c; endmodule
will be synthesized to:
module top (a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1); input [3:0]a0; input [3:0]a1; input [3:0]b0; input [3:0]b1; output [3:0]c0; output [3:0]c1; \bot(WIDTH=4,DUMMY=8) i0 (.a({a0}), .b({b0}), .c({c0})); \bot(WIDTH=4,DUMMY=16) i1 (.a({a1}), .b({b1}), .c({c1})); endmodule module \bot(WIDTH=4,DUMMY=8) (a, b, c); input [3:0]a; input [3:0]b; output [3:0]c; endmodule module \bot(WIDTH=4,DUMMY=16) (a, b, c); input [3:0]a; input [3:0]b; output [3:0]c; endmodule
In the output netlist, module "\bot(WIDTH=4,DUMMY=8)" and module "\bot(WIDTH=4,DUMMY=16)" are identical because parameter "DUMMY", although having a different value for each instance of module "bot," is not used to determine the logic implementation.
Thus "DUMMY" can be ignored in elaboration.
Use the API "veri_file::SetIgnoreParameter(), in this case:
veri_file::SetIgnoreParameter("work", "bot", "DUMMY");
The output netlist is now:
module top (a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1); input [3:0]a0; input [3:0]a1; input [3:0]b0; input [3:0]b1; output [3:0]c0; output [3:0]c1; \bot(WIDTH=4) i0 (.a({a0}), .b({b0}), .c({c0})); \bot(WIDTH=4) i1 (.a({a1}), .b({b1}), .c({c1})); endmodule module \bot(WIDTH=4) (a, b, c); input [3:0]a; input [3:0]b; output [3:0]c; endmodule
For VHDL, the API is "VHDL_file::SetIgnoreGeneric()".