System attributes

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Verific system attributes are attributes added and attached to DesignObjs (Design Objects) during the process of building the Netlist Database.

To distinguish with user-declared attributes, the key (name) of a system attribute has space as the first character.

Below is the list of system attributes in the Netlist database. Note that depending on the flow, a DesignObj may or may not have a particular attribute.

    (" named_group", named_group)
    (" GATE_TYPE", "gated_clock")
    (" creating_port_refs", 0)
    (" enum_encoding", user_encoding) // DFF
    (" PROCESS_ID", buffer) // ReadPort/WritePort only
    (" is_concurrent", "1") // ReadPort/WritePort only
    (" BLOCKING", "1") // ReadPort/WritePort only
    (" basic_constant", const_val) // is driven by a constant and also connected to a blackbox
    (" wired", "1")
    (" is_up_dir", "1")
    (" original_name", new_name) // for nets renamed due to name confict, original name in the input file
    (" supply0", 0) // from Verilog "supply0" construct
    (" supply1", 0) // from Verilog "supply1" construct
    (" specify_cond", cond_pp) // SDF only
    (" package_net", "1")
    (" global_clocking_ref", 0) // SVA
    (" sva_clock_ref", 0) // SVA
    (" enum_encoding", user_encoding)
    (" original_name", new_name)
    (" orig_port_name", new_name)
    (" created_from_test_cell", 0)
    (" open_port", "1")
    (" orig_port_name", new_name)
    (" language", "edif") // what language it comes from - "edif", "verilog", "vhdl", "upf", "synlib"
    (" cell_name", module_name) // original module/unit name in input file
    (" from_netlist_reader", "1")
    (" primitive", "1")
    (" unknown_design", "2")) // "1" for Verilog instance, "2" for VHDL instance
    (" changed_by_interface_overwrite", "1")
    (" changed_by_hier_ref", "1")
    (" celldefine","1")
    (" package", "1")
    (" upf_uniquified", "1"))

To access attributes of a DesignObj, use the macro FOREACH_ATTRIBUTE. For example:

    DesignObj * design_obj;
    Att *attr;
    MapIter mi;
    FOREACH_ATTRIBUTE(design_obj, mi, attr) {           
        const char *key = (attr) ? attr->Key() : 0 ;
        if (!key) continue ;
        if (key[0] == ' ') continue ; // if you want to skip system attributes
        // Do whatever you want here, e.g.            
        Message::Msg(VERIFIC_INFO, 0, 0, "   -- attribute name: %s, value: %s", attr->Key(), attr->Value());