Hierarchy tree RTL elaboration
From Verific Design Automation FAQ
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Reference: Does Verific support XMR?
Synthesizing designs with cross-module referencing needs Hierarchy Tree feature. Below is a simple example.
Perl script:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict ; use warnings ; push (@INC,"../pm"); require "Verific.pm"; # Runtime flags to support cross-module referencing Verific::RuntimeFlags::SetVar("db_preserve_user_nets", 1); Verific::RuntimeFlags::SetVar("db_allow_external_nets", 1); # hier_tree::Elaborate() expects two arrays as input my $topmodules = new Verific::Array(); my $topunits = new Verific::Array(); # If design has Verilog source files my $verilogfiles = new Verific::Array(); $verilogfiles->InsertLast(Verific::char_to_void("test.v")); Verific::veri_file::AnalyzeMultipleFiles($verilogfiles); $topmodules = Verific::veri_file::GetTopModules("work"); # If design has VHDL source files Verific::vhdl_file::SetDefaultLibraryPath("../vdbs"); Verific::vhdl_file::Analyze("test.vhd"); $topunits = Verific::vhdl_file::GetTopDesignUnits("work"); # $netlists, returned by hier_tree::Elaborate() is an Array of Netlists my $netlists = Verific::hier_tree::Elaborate($topmodules, $topunits); my $netlist_array_iter = new Verific::NetlistArrayIter($netlists); my $first = 1; for (my $netlist = $netlist_array_iter->First(); $netlist_array_iter->GetIndex() < $netlist_array_iter->Size(); $netlist = $netlist_array_iter->Next()) { if (!defined($netlist)) { next; } if ($first == 1) { print ("Returned by hier_tree::Elaborate(): ", $netlist->Owner()->Name(), "\n"); $first = 0; } else { print (" ", $netlist->Owner()->Name(), "\n"); } } my $libset = Verific::Libset::Global(); if (!defined($libset)) { print "ERROR: can't find global libset\n"; exit; } my $lib = $libset->GetLibrary("work"); if (!defined($lib)) { print "ERROR: can't find library 'work'\n"; exit; } my $cell = $lib->GetCell("top"); if (!defined($cell)) { print "ERROR: can't find cell 'top'\n"; exit; } my $topnetlist = $cell->GetFirstNetlist(); if (!defined($cell)) { print "ERROR: can't find netlist of cell 'top'\n"; exit; } # Write out netlist for module "top" my $veriWriter = Verific::VeriWrite->new(); $veriWriter->WriteFile(sprintf("%s\_netlist.v", $topnetlist->Owner->Name()), $topnetlist) ; exit;
Verilog RTL file:
module top (input [3:0] in, output [3:0] o1, o2, output [4:0]o3, o4, input [4:0] in2) ; // top-level module \child(arch) I(o1, o2, in); child #(4) I2(o3, o4, in2); test #(3) I3() ; test #(2) I4() ; foo I5() ; sub1 xi1(); sub2 xi2(); endmodule module test ; parameter p = 10 ; wire [3:0] o1, o2 ; wire [4:0] o3, o4 ; reg [3:0] in ; reg [4:0] in2 ; child #(3) I(o1, o2, in); child #(4) I2(o3, o4, in2); endmodule module xor_gate (CompIn1, CompIn2, CompOut); // Instantiated in 'comp' entity in Vhdl file test.vhd parameter p = 10 ; input [3:0]CompIn1; input [3:0]CompIn2; output CompOut; endmodule // modules with "circular XMR" module sub2(out); output out; assign top.xi1.out = 0; endmodule module sub1(out); output out; assign top.xi2.out = 0; endmodule
VHDL RTL file:
entity comp is -- top-level unit port(X, Y: in BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); Sum, Carry: out BIT); end; architecture Structure of comp is component xor_gate is generic (p : integer) ; port (CompIn1, CompIn2: in BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); CompOut : out BIT); end component; -- xor_gate is a Verilog module with port names not as CompIn1, CompIn2 and CompOut. --for L1: xor_gate use entity WORK.xor_gate --port map (CompIn1, CompIn2, OPEN); begin L1: xor_gate generic map (4) --port map (X, Y, Sum); port map (CompIn1 => X, CompIn2 => Y, CompOut => Sum); end; entity child is -- instantiated in test module in Verilog design generic (p : integer := 3); port (S1, S2: out bit_vector (p downto 0); I1 : in bit_vector (p downto 0)); end ; architecture arch of child is begin S1 <= I1 ; S2 <= not I1 ; end ; architecture arch1 of child is begin S1 <= I1 ; S2 <= not I1 ; end ;