Source code customization & Stable release services

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Verific offers two services to licensees: Source Code Customization and Stable Release.

On Verific's file system, each of the licensees has a separate code branch. There are mechanisms to prevent cross-contamination among code branches.

1. Source Code Customization

The licensee can send us your code modifications to be merged in your branch here. The customizations will be included in future source code releases and the licensee don't need to merge them yourself. Please note that:

- The modified code should be complete and compilable here on Verific system.

- Zip the modified code with the same password we use for the monthly code releases.

- Mention the Verific release version the modifications are based upon.

The licensee can include testcases that exercise the customized code. The testcases will be added to the regression testsuite of the licensee's code branch.

The best way to initiate this process is for the licensee to file a VIPER issue with Type "Merge Request," and attached the zip file with the VIPER issue. This VIPER issue will be closed (not just "fixed") when the code merge is complete and the licensee will receive an email notice.

2. Stable Release

1. A STABLE branch is a physically separate branch in our system. It is treated as a separate "customer" branch. There is no relation between the STABLE branch and the NORMAL branch.

2. After creation, STABLE branch code can only be changed due to work done to fix STABLE branch VIPER issues. VIPER issues files against STABLE branch are treated as "customer-specific." In other works, VIPER fixes in STABLE branch don't go into NORMAL branch and VIPER fixes in NORMAL branch don't go into STABLE branch.

3. To avoid new issues being introduced in STABLE branch, only defects (not enhancements) are fixed in STABLE branch.

3. If an issue needs to be fixed both in STABLE branch and in NORMAL branch, there have to be two VIPER issues: one for the STABLE branch and one for NORMAL branch.

4. VIPER accounts for STABLE branch are separate from accounts for NORMAL branch. For example, one can not log in with a STABLE branch account and file an issue against NORMAL branch.

5. STABLE branch code can not be merged into NORMAL branch code.