How to get packed dimensions of enum
From Verific Design Automation FAQ
#include "Array.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Set.h" #include "Message.h" #include "veri_file.h" #include "VeriModule.h" #include "VeriScope.h" #include "VeriId.h" #include "VeriExpression.h" #include "veri_file.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #ifdef VERIFIC_NAMESPACE using namespace Verific ; #endif void GetBaseTypeFromDataType(VeriDataType *); int main(int argc, char **argv) { veri_file::SetInterfaceModportFieldSeparator("::") ; Array file_names; if (argc < 2) { file_names.InsertLast("test.v"); } else { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { file_names.InsertLast(argv[i]); } } Array * file_names_ = new Array( file_names); if (!veri_file::AnalyzeMultipleFiles(file_names_, veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG, "work", veri_file::MFCU)) { std::cout << " Unable to analyze multiple files. Aborting\n"; return 1 ; } // Fetching the top module Array *top_module_array = veri_file::GetTopModules() ; if (!top_module_array) { Message::Error(0, "Cannot find any top module in the design") ; return 4; } VeriModule *module = (VeriModule *) top_module_array->GetFirst(); // Creating VPT module->StaticElaborate( 0); module->Elaborate( 0, 0, false); VeriScope* p_scope = module->GetScope(); Map* scope_map = p_scope->GetThisScope(); MapIter mi ; VeriIdDef *id; FOREACH_MAP_ITEM(scope_map, mi, 0, &id) { if (!id ) continue; std::cout << "Handling Declaration: "<< id->Name() << std::endl; GetBaseTypeFromDataType(id->GetDataType()); } return 0; } void GetBaseTypeFromDataType(VeriDataType *p_data_type) { if(!p_data_type) { return; } unsigned packed_dim = p_data_type->PackedDimension(); switch( p_data_type->GetClassId() ) { case ID_VERIDATATYPE: { std::cout << "===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: p_data_type->Image() = " << p_data_type->Image() << " =====" << std::endl; std::cout << "===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: packed_dim = " << packed_dim << std::endl; if ( packed_dim != 0 ) { VeriRange const* range = dynamic_cast<VeriRange const*> (p_data_type->GetDimensions()); VeriRange const* last_dim_range = NULL; do { last_dim_range = range; } while ( range && (range = range->GetNext()) ); if ( last_dim_range && last_dim_range->GetLeft() && last_dim_range->GetRight() ) { std::cout << "packed_dim->Left = " << last_dim_range->GetLeft()->GetPrettyPrintedString() << std::endl; std::cout << "packed_dim->Right = " << last_dim_range->GetRight()->GetPrettyPrintedString() << std::endl; } } break; } case ID_VERINETDATATYPE: break; case ID_VERISTRUCTUNION: { std::cout << "===== ID_VERISTRUCTUNION:: p_data_type->Image() = " << p_data_type->Image() << " =====" << std::endl; unsigned i; Array *decls = p_data_type->GetDecls() ; VeriDataDecl *decl; FOREACH_ARRAY_ITEM (decls, i, decl) { //std::cout << "===== ===== decl " << i << ": " << decl->GetPrettyPrintedString() << std::endl; VeriDataType *datatype = decl->GetDataType(); (void) GetBaseTypeFromDataType(datatype); } break; } case ID_VERIENUM : { std::cout << "===== ID_VERIENUM:: p_data_type->Image() = " << p_data_type->Image() << " =====" << std::endl; std::cout << "===== ID_VERIENUM:: packed_dim = " << packed_dim << std::endl; if ( packed_dim != 0 ) { VeriRange const* range = dynamic_cast<VeriRange const*> (p_data_type->GetDimensions()); VeriRange const* last_dim_range = NULL; do { last_dim_range = range; } while ( range && (range = range->GetNext()) ); if ( last_dim_range && last_dim_range->GetLeft() && last_dim_range->GetRight() ) { std::cout << "packed_dim->Left = " << last_dim_range->GetLeft()->GetPrettyPrintedString() << std::endl; std::cout << "packed_dim->Right = " << last_dim_range->GetRight()->GetPrettyPrintedString() << std::endl; } } VeriEnum* p_enum = dynamic_cast<VeriEnum*>(p_data_type); VeriDataType* p_base_type = p_enum->GetBaseType(); GetBaseTypeFromDataType (p_base_type); break; } case ID_VERITYPEREF: { std::cout << "===== ID_VERITYPEREF:: p_data_type->Image() = " << p_data_type->Image() << " =====" << std::endl; std::cout << "===== ID_VERITYPEREF:: packed_dim = " << packed_dim << std::endl; GetBaseTypeFromDataType(p_data_type->GetBaseDataType()); break; } default: break; } }
Input Verilog:
typedef enum bit {a, b} [1:0] data_ctrl_t; module test (output data_ctrl_t out1 ); struct packed { logic [7:0] high; logic [3:0] low; } word1; assign out1 = b ; endmodule
-- Analyzing Verilog file 'test.v' (VERI-1482) test.v(3): INFO: compiling module 'test' (VERI-1018) test.v(3): INFO: compiling module 'test' (VERI-1018) Handling Declaration: out1 ===== ID_VERITYPEREF:: p_data_type->Image() = data_ctrl_t ===== ===== ID_VERITYPEREF:: packed_dim = 1 ===== ID_VERIENUM:: p_data_type->Image() = enum(a,b) ===== ===== ID_VERIENUM:: packed_dim = 1 packed_dim->Left = 1 packed_dim->Right = 0 ===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: p_data_type->Image() = bit ===== ===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: packed_dim = 0 Handling Declaration: word1 ===== ID_VERISTRUCTUNION:: p_data_type->Image() = struct(high,low) ===== ===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: p_data_type->Image() = logic [7:0] ===== ===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: packed_dim = 1 packed_dim->Left = 7 packed_dim->Right = 0 ===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: p_data_type->Image() = logic [3:0] ===== ===== ID_VERIDATATYPE:: packed_dim = 1 packed_dim->Left = 3 packed_dim->Right = 0