How to create new module in Verilog parsetree
From Verific Design Automation FAQ
This code sample also shows how to add new parameters and new ports to a module.
#include <iostream> #include "veri_file.h" #include "veri_tokens.h" #include "VeriId.h" #include "VeriModule.h" #include "VeriScope.h" #include "VeriMisc.h" #include "VeriConstVal.h" #include "VeriExpression.h" #include "Array.h" #include "Strings.h" #ifdef VERIFIC_NAMESPACE using namespace Verific ; #endif int main() { // Module id (not declared anywhere): const char *module_name = "test" ; VeriIdDef *module_id = new VeriModuleId(Strings::save(module_name)) ; // Scope of the module : declare all ids in here: VeriScope *scope = new VeriScope(0 /* upper scope */, module_id) ; // Declare ANSI parameters: // Parameters can be declared within body in module_items as well. VeriIdDef *ansi_param_id = new VeriParamId(Strings::save("P1")) ; if (!scope->Declare(ansi_param_id)) ansi_param_id->Error("%s is already declared", ansi_param_id->Name()) ; ansi_param_id->SetInitialValue(new VeriIntVal(1)) ; VeriDataDecl *ansi_param_decl = new VeriDataDecl(VERI_PARAMETER, 0 /* data type */, ansi_param_id) ; Array *ansi_params = new Array(1) ; ansi_params->InsertLast(ansi_param_decl) ; // Declare input port: Array *ports = new Array(2) ; VeriIdDef *inp = new VeriVariable(Strings::save("in1")) ; if (!scope->Declare(inp)) inp->Error("%s is already declared", inp->Name()) ; ports->InsertLast(new VeriDataDecl(VERI_INPUT, new VeriDataType(VERI_REG, 0, 0), inp)) ; // Declare output port: VeriIdDef *outp = new VeriVariable(Strings::save("out1")) ; if (!scope->Declare(outp)) outp->Error("%s is already declared", outp->Name()) ; ports->InsertLast(new VeriDataDecl(VERI_OUTPUT, new VeriDataType(VERI_WIRE, 0, 0), outp)) ; // Create the assignment from input to output port: Array *assigns = new Array(1) ; assigns->InsertLast(new VeriNetRegAssign(new VeriIdRef(outp), new VeriIdRef(inp))) ; Array *module_items = new Array(1) ; module_items->InsertLast(new VeriContinuousAssign(0, 0, assigns)) ; // Create the module: VeriModule *mod = new VeriModule(module_id, ansi_params, ports, module_items, scope) ; // Resolve it: mod->ResolveBody() ; // Now add the module into a library using VeriLibrary::AddModule() API // Check if we did it correctly: char *mod_str = mod->GetPrettyPrintedString() ; mod->Info("Module created: %s", mod_str) ; Strings::free(mod_str) ; return 0; }
$ test-linux INFO: Module created: module test #(parameter P1 = 1) (input reg in1, output wire out1) ; assign out1 = in1 ; endmodule $