How to ignore certain modules while analyzing input RTL files
From Verific Design Automation FAQ
The code example below shows how to ignore certain modules in the input RTL files. The ignored modules will not be present in the parsetree.
C++ code:
#include "Array.h" #include "Message.h" #include "veri_file.h" #include "veri_nl_file.h" #include "VeriWrite.h" #include "DataBase.h" #ifdef VERIFIC_NAMESPACE using namespace Verific ; #endif int main() { Message::Msg(VERIFIC_INFO, 0, 0, "*** Read structural netlist 'bot.v' first"); veri_nl_file::Read("bot.v"); // Collect the names of the non-blackbox modules already in the Netlist Database // and add them to the 'ignore' list Library *lib = Libset::Global()->GetLibrary("work"); if (lib) { Cell *cell; MapIter mi; FOREACH_CELL_OF_LIBRARY(lib, mi, cell) { if (cell->GetFirstNetlist()->IsBlackBox()) continue; const char *module_name = cell->Name(); veri_file::AddToIgnoredParsedModuleNames(module_name); } } Message::Msg(VERIFIC_INFO, 0, 0, "*** Analyze 'bot.v' and 'top.v'"); Array files(1) ; files.Insert("top.v") ; files.Insert("bot.v") ; if (!veri_file::AnalyzeMultipleFiles(&files, veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG)) return 1 ; Message::Msg(VERIFIC_INFO, 0, 0, "*** Elaborate"); if (!veri_file::ElaborateAll()) return 2; Netlist *top = Netlist::PresentDesign() ; if (!top) { Message::PrintLine("Cannot find any handle to the top-level netlist") ; return 5 ; } VeriWrite veriWriter; veriWriter.WriteFile("netlist_3.v", top) ; return 0 ; }
RTL files:
// filename: top.v module top (input a, b, output c, input i , output o); wire t1, t2; bot ua (.o(t1), .i(a)); bot ub (.o(t2), .i(b)); assign c = t1 & t2; foo uf (o, i); endmodule // this module 'foo' will be ignored module foo (output o, input i); not (o, i); endmodule // filename: bot.v module foo (output o, input i); buf (o, i); endmodule module bot (output o, input i); foo f (.o(o), .i(i)); endmodule
$ test3-linux INFO: *** Read structural netlist 'bot.v' first -- Reading structural Verilog file 'bot.v' (VNLR-1084) bot.v(3): INFO: compiling module 'foo' (VNLR-1012) bot.v(7): INFO: compiling module 'bot' (VNLR-1012) bot.v(7): INFO: setting 'bot' as the top level module (VNLR-1015) INFO: Ignoring module foo INFO: Ignoring module bot INFO: *** Analyze 'bot.v' and 'top.v' -- Analyzing Verilog file 'top.v' (VERI-1482) -- Analyzing Verilog file 'bot.v' (VERI-1482) INFO: *** Elaborate top.v(3): INFO: compiling module 'top' (VERI-1018) -- Writing netlist 'top' to Verilog file 'netlist_3.v' (VDB-1030) $
Output netlist:
// // Verific Verilog Description of module top // module top (a, b, c, i, o); // top.v(3) input a; // top.v(3) input b; // top.v(3) output c; // top.v(3) input i; // top.v(3) output o; // top.v(3) wire t1; // top.v(4) wire t2; // top.v(4) bot ua (.o(t1), .i(a)); // top.v(5) bot ub (.o(t2), .i(b)); // top.v(6) and (c, t1, t2) ; // top.v(7) foo uf (.o(o), .i(i)); // top.v(8) endmodule // // Verific Verilog Description of module bot // module bot (o, i); // bot.v(7) output o; // bot.v(7) input i; // bot.v(7) foo f (.o(o), .i(i)); // bot.v(8) endmodule // // Verific Verilog Description of module foo // module foo (o, i); // bot.v(3) output o; // bot.v(3) input i; // bot.v(3) buf (o, i) ; // bot.v(4) endmodule